miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016


Local economic system has a basic structure common to most municipalities in the department of Huila, based on the existence of a primary sector, where agricultural activities take precedence over others; a nonexistent secondary sector by the total absence of processing of raw materials and a tertiary sector represented by lower commercial activity from population centers and the provision of basic public services community. Primary Sector: All local economic system revolves around agricultural production, with clear predominance of coffee monoculture in areas of medium and high slope above the 1,400 m.s.n.m. located in the upper part of the municipal head, areas of Valencia, San Luis and Rio negro with her paths. There is extensive livestock farming, as the predominant activity in the territories located valles de rio callejon, on the rio valleys Alley Iquira lower river. Also cacao, cassava, plantain, maize, semi-annual crops such as beans, peas, vegetables, fruit, passion fruit, blackberry, lulo, tree tomato. Secondary Sector: For the complete absence of agro-industrial facilities for processing local production, it can be said that the development of this sector is too incipient and limited to artisanal dairy processing and other traditional foods. Tertiary Sector: Corresponds to commercial service activities being carried out at the local level.

by: yury cedeño mosquera

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